The Class of 2020 share reflections on what - and who - helped them create a Penn State story uniquely their own.

I want to thank my mom from the bottom of my heart. When she finally convinced me to go to college, she put an empty picture from next to my sister’s graduation picture and said, “In four years, I want to be able to put a picture of you in that empty frame.” Since that day, those words have made me strive to graduate.
Isaac Grinnell, Business

My family and friends have been my greatest and biggest support system through this all. I truly don't know what I would do without them. They have helped me get through the highest and the lows throughout my journey at Penn State and I couldn't have done it without them. They show me unconditional love and support providing me someone to lean on a place to go when I need them the most. I'm most excited to apply what I've learned and worked so hard for while at Penn State to the physical therapy field. I'm looking forward to showing care and compassion to those out there who need PT, and being there to help them along their journey to recovery.
Alaina Colella, Physical Therapist Assistant

My parents helped me accomplish earning a degree because they allowed me to move back home and focus on studying rather than working. My boyfriend has also been a huge supporter. He pushes me to study and to always try my best. Another person that has helped me accomplish my goals at Penn State was my Papa. He would always talk to me about school and how studying was going. He always knew how to make when I was overwhelmed with studying. Although he may not be here to celebrate with me in person, I know he is celebrating with me from heaven.
Breanna Hull, Physical Therapist Assistant

Dr. McDade inspired me to do my best with learning anatomy and understanding how everything functions together. Dr. Dean really pushed me to understand not just memorize. Dr. Jewel has been the best person to go to when you are struggling. She understands what you’re going through and helps the best way she can.
Josiah Koskovics, Physical Therapist Assistant

Dr. Dean has been an ongoing role model of mine since the beginning of this program; she has always been so willing to help me grow as a student and PTA. Dr. Jewell has been so helpful with clinical placements and making sure we are getting the best experience possible. Finally, Andy Puleo has been a great employer and friend. He’s always been very helpful with anything on campus. Working in the fitness center was a great opportunity and he provided me with a good laugh when needed the most.
Araceli McMillan, Physical Therapist Assistant

I would like to say that everyone I have come across on campus has been the supportive and help through my time at Penn State. It is very comforting knowing that all the staff is there to help, support, guide and just being there for the students in general even if it’s just to joke around for a few moments. Dr. Jewell has been very impactful during my time at Penn State. She has always been there to help me with any and all questions I have with my studies and has always been there just to listen and be supportive through any and all discussions. She has been there to give me guidance and advice on many occasions and for that I am truly grateful.
Jessica Rodriguez , Physical Therapist Assistant
Pictured: PTA grads on last day of class before spring break 2020

Once college starts, it will be over in a blink of an eye. Next thing you know, you are getting ready to walk at graduation or in my case, getting ready to log onto your virtual graduation ceremony. Do everything you possibly can before it is over. Go to one of the football games or one of the trips, make new friends, and most importantly, step out of you comfort zone. You wouldn't believe how much college has to offer until you actually put forth the effort and get involved. You will do so many things and create memories that you will have with you for the rest of your life.
Melissa Tremmel, Physical Therapist Assistant

I am most excited to apply what I have been taught at Penn State in the OT field. I'm excited to share my knowledge and love for OT. I cannot wait to work with patients in different settings and I am really looking forward to helping those individuals during their recovery time by doing what I love the most.
Kaitlynne Boughner, Occupational Therapy Assistant

I would not be where I am if it were not for what I've gone through. I am here to tell you as living proof, that even if you feel that you are at rock bottom, keep your chin up. Things can, and do, get better. It hasn't been easy, but that's what makes this moment even that much sweeter. We made it.
Jaime Anderson, Business

The moment I submitted my last final and realized I had obtained my life long dream of earning a degree from Penn State! There is no better feeling than obtaining your goals and realizing you did it while overcoming the obstacles of every day life!
Heather Penwell, Nursing, RN to B.S.N.