The 11th annual Stamp Out Stigma mental health awareness event will be held in the Penn State Shenango Forker Lab Forum on Wednesday, March 5, and is free and open to the public.
Penn State Shenango’s Staff Advisory Council is asking for donations to support its Fuel for the Future fund benefiting students participating in internships or clinical rotations.
Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity Dima Rabadi presented her research paper titled, “BERT-Cuckoo15: A Comprehensive Framework for Malware Detection Using 15 Dynamic Feature Types,” at the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences earlier this month.
Penn State Sustainability and WPSU are hosting this online film screening of “Fire Through Dry Grass” at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, online via Zoom. The film details the experience of disabled African American artists in a New York City nursing home trying to survive during the COVID-19 pandemic and highlighting the disproportionate impacts the pandemic had on communities of color and those with health preconditions. A panel discussion will follow featuring experts from Penn State about lessons from COVID-19 about the social determinants of health and how we can better support community health for all. Free and open to all campuses to attend. Pre-registration is required at this link.
American culinary historian, lawyer and public policy adviser Adrian Miller will offer an engaging and educational journey through the lives of African Americans who have served as cooks for U.S. presidents, "Black Chefs in the White House," at 7-8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, via Zoom and also in-person at the Paul Robeson Cultural Center Library in the HUB. More information and registration at this link.
The Center for the Performing Arts at Penn State has been approved by the National Endowment for the Arts for a Grants for Arts Projects award to support “What Does PURPLE Sound Like?” by Sydnie L. Mosley Dances.