NASA's Swift satellite, whose science and flight operations are controlled from Penn State's Mission Operations Center in State College, Pa., has detected its 500th gamma-ray burst -- a type of explosion that is the biggest and most mysterious in the cosmos. Swift's X-ray telescope and ultraviolet/optical telescope were developed and built by international teams led by Penn State.
CSI notwithstanding, forensics experts cannot always retrieve fingerprints from objects, but a conformal coating process developed by Penn State professors can reveal hard-to-develop fingerprints on nonporous surfaces without altering the chemistry of the print. "As prints dry or age, the common techniques used to develop latent fingerprints, such as dusting or cyanoacrylate -- SuperGlue -- fuming often fail," said Robert Shaler, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology and director of Penn State's forensic sciences program.
Penn State Laureate Linda Patterson Miller, professor of English at Penn State Abington, will begin her journeys into western Pennsylvania, serving as a "laureate-in-residence" as she interacts with the campus communities at Penn State DuBois (Sept. 13); Penn State Erie, The Behrend College (Sept. 14); Penn State Shenango (Sept. 15); and Penn State Beaver (Sept. 16). Miller will be participating in individual classes and symposiums along with engaging larger audiences in public forums at these locations. "I invite anyone in these geographical areas to join with us for these public presentation as we variously explore the art of American diary-keeping, the lives and art of the 1920s Lost Generation, and the art of Ernest Hemingway as discovered in his letters and early prose," said Miller.
Check in with Miller's travels and follow her literary dialogue, "Literary Landings," at online. Today, Miller discusses how encounters with art can change lives, as it did for Miller when she first read Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms" (1929). To watch a short video of Miller as she provides some background for understanding the transformative power of Hemingway's art, go to online.
After more than 42 years with the University, Fredric Leeds will be retiring as chancellor of Penn State Shenango on Dec. 31.
Jo Anne Carrick will assume leadership of Penn State Shenango on Jan. 1. The announcement of her appointment as campus director was made by Madlyn Hanes, vice president for Commonwealth Campuses.
Penn State Shenango Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) senior Jack Luchette took first place at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College – Sigma XI 23rd annual Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Accomplishment Conference on Saturday, April 12. His poster abstract was titled “Childhood Neglect as a Predictor of Violent Behavior.”
Each year, Penn State honors several members of its faculty and staff for the highest levels of academic excellence, outstanding leadership and meritorious service. The 2015 Faculty/Staff Award recipients — 33 outstanding University employees and one program — reach across campuses, colleges and administrative units and exemplify best practices and achievements among Penn Staters reflecting the University's mission of teaching, research and service.
Students who are new to Penn State and all students living in University housing are reminded that they must submit their immunization records using myUHS through a new three-step process. As part of this process, students who do not submit their immunization records prior to Sept. 15 will be unable to register for spring 2017 classes.
Jameson Health System School of Nursing and Penn State Shenango have announced the formation of a partnership for nursing education that will offer area residents the unique opportunity to earn a diploma in nursing from Jameson and then a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Penn State Shenango in a seamless and timely manner.
On Aug. 22, Penn State Shenango will kick off its 50th Anniversary with a double celebration. A Community Open House outside on the campus lawn from 3 to 5 p.m. will include live music by The Bootleggers, children's activities, refreshments, storytime, a community art show, tours of the campus, and more. This event is free and open to the public. An Alumni and Friends event, to be held from 5 to 8 p.m., will include live music by Grant Street Exit, dinner, tours of the campus, a video montage of photos from the past 50 years, and a Penn State football raffle ticket drawing. There is a nominal $10 fee for the evening event.