Sharon, PA 16146
Elaine Arvan Andrews is the Assistant Director of Academic Affairs and Instructor in English at Penn State University, Shenango Campus, in Sharon, Pennsylvania, where she has taught since 2009. She is also the Coordinator of the Penn State Shenango Academic Resource Center. She served as an elected member on the Board of Directors for the College English Association from 2013-2016. As a board member, she chaired the Graduate Student Concerns Committee and coordinated the Graduate Essay competition for two years. She has taught numerous courses at Penn State Shenango, including Alternative Voices in American Literature, Women Writers, Reading Fiction, and Rhetoric and Composition. She has published scholarly and creative writing on a variety of subjects, including Charlotte Brontë. She enjoys collaging as a hobby, and her artwork has appeared in local and regional juried exhibitions.
Research Interests
Nineteenth-Century British Literature
Charlotte Brontë
Women Writers
Visual Culture
Forthcoming , “’The puzzle of our heroine’s character’: Fashionable Beauty and Interiority in the Late Juvenilia of Charlotte Brontë” in Fashion and Visual Culture in Victorian Fiction and Periodicals.
“The Mystique of Cedars Lounge” in Car Bombs to Cookie Tables: A Youngstown Anthology. Belt Publishing, 2015.
“The ‘Lure of the Fabulous’: Gift-Book Beauties and Charlotte Brontë’s Silver-Fork Heroines,” Women’s Writing 16.2 (2009): 263-282.
"Coming to Light: Freud's 'Uncanny' in the Photography of Diane Arbus" in Literary Texts and the Arts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Eds. Corrado Federici and Esther Raventos-Pons. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. 69-80.
“Victorian Basket Family” in The Spoon River Poetry Review 19.2 (1994): 94.
Ph.D. in English, Ohio University
Masters in English, Ohio University
Bachelor in English and Speech and Communication in Theatre (double major), Youngstown State University