During a prior year's Toys for Tots event, Jen Jewell, assistant teaching professor in Penn State Shenango's Physical Therapy Department, far left, and her physical therapy assistant students, collected donated toys at the Hermitage Walmart for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program.
Penn State Shenango will once again be sponsoring a toy drive to benefit the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program this holiday season. The annual community collection drive, staffed by the Shenango campus Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) students and faculty, will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18, at the Hermitage Walmart Super Center.
New, unwrapped toys will be collected for needy children by Shenango campus students and will be dispersed in the community by the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Foundation.
In addition to the collection at Walmart, the campus will have drop off locations for toys in its Penn State Bookstore, McDowell Hall; the Physical Therapy Department, Forker Lab room 204; and the Student Affairs Office, Sharon Hall room 103. Collection at the downtown Sharon campus will continue through Monday, Dec. 11.
For more information, contact Assistant Teaching Professor in Physical Therapy Jennifer Jewell at 724-983-2886. For an application to receive toys from the Toys for Tots Foundation, contact the Mercer County Family Center at 724-588-2404.