Upcycled art projects from Penn State Shenango's 2017 Earth Fest Upcycled Art Contest were on display in the campus' atrium area for the public to view.
SHARON, Pa. — Penn State Shenango is gearing up for its annual Upcycled Art Contest, which is held in conjunction with the campus’ Earth Day celebration on Saturday, April 7. The contest was designed to inspire elementary and middle school students to create treasure from “trash.”
“The first year we held this contest, we only had about a half-dozen students participate,” said Jen Jewell, an instructor in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program and chair of the Faculty Outreach Committee at Penn State Shenango. “However, last year, we had over 79 submissions from nine school districts, home-schooled children, and four community groups. There were so many nice projects — it was hard to choose the winners."
The art contest contains two categories: the first is a “Small Group Project” for grades kindergarten through sixth. Teachers, Girl Scout leaders, or others who want to put together a small group to participate, will need to have their students, as a group, create a two-dimensional (not to exceed 16” x 16”) or three-dimensional (not to exceed a 16” x 16” x 16”) piece of artwork using only material that has been previously used and/or potentially destined for recycling or the landfill.
The second category of the Upcycled Art Contest is titled “Reflection on Reuse.” This contest, which also is for children in kindergarten through sixth grade, requires students to work individually to create a two-dimensional (not to exceed 16” x 16”) or three-dimensional (not to exceed a 16” x 16” x 16”) piece of artwork using only material that has been previously used and/or potentially destined for recycling or the landfill.
All artwork entered into the contest will be displayed at the Penn State Shenango Earth Fest in the campus’ Art Gallery located in Lecture Hall Room 225 on April 7.
All submissions must include a completed entry form and dropped off with the students’ art project the week of March 19, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., in Lecture Hall Room 225, located at 147 Shenango Ave. in Sharon. Local school pickup can be arranged upon request. All artwork must be picked up between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 7.
Visit https://www.facebook.com/pennstateshenangoearthfest/ for details or an entry form, or contact Jen Jewell at [email protected] or 724-983-2886.