SHARON, Pa. — The Penn State Shenango Alumni Society will host its third annual Cornhole Tournament at 4 p.m. Saturday, July 30, at Quaker Steak and Lube in downtown Sharon. Registration will begin at 3 p.m.
The tournament will feature two-person teams competing in a double-elimination format. The cost to enter the tournament is $20 per person, and prizes will be awarded to the top two teams. The event will also feature a 50/50 raffle and door prizes, with all proceeds benefiting Penn State Shenango student scholarships.
Quaker Steak and Lube food and beverages will be available for purchase at the Sugar Shack. A percentage of food sales from 3 to 9 p.m. that evening will also be donated to Shenango student scholarships.
To register or for more information, call 330-550-1687.
Shenango Alumni Society to host cornhole tournament scholarship fundraiser
October 13, 2016