SHARON, Pa. — Looking for a fun night out in February? Come to the Penn State Shenango Occupational Therapy Club’s Wine Glass Paint Night and Basket Raffle on Thursday, Feb. 9, between 5:30 and 9 p.m. in the Chadderton Lab located on Shenango Avenue in downtown Sharon.
You are sure to have a good time while you paint and decorate a wine glass (supplied), enjoy light refreshments and beverages, and receive two complimentary tickets for the basket raffle. Additional raffle tickets will be available to purchase, as well as handmade crafts by the students.
Ticket price is $10 per person and may be purchased from an OT Club member or at the Chadderton Lab between now and Feb. 8.
All proceeds will go toward supporting the Penn State Shenango OT Club’s American Occupational Therapy’s Centennial Conference in Philadelphia, which is an amazing way for students to network and get first-hand experience about their major.
For more information, contact the OTA office at 724-983-2890.