- Evacuate the building using the nearest exit or alternate exit if the nearest exit is blocked
- Take personal belongings (purse, keys, etc.)
- Secure any hazardous materials or equipment before leaving
- Follow the directions of the posted evacuation maps
- Go to the Evacuation Assembly Point near the front exit away from the building
- Assist person(s) with disabilities
Bomb Threats
If you receive the bomb threat by telephone:
- Immediately record the time of the phone call
- Obtain as much information as possible from the caller, and utilize the issued bomb threat telephone card.
- Notify University Police
- University Police will contact the Chancellor
- The Chancellor or a designee will decide whether to evacuate the building(s)
If the building(s) is/are evacuated, University Police will:
- Notify all building occupants of the threat and tell them they are free to leave the building, if they wish
- Post bomb threat warning signs on all doors of the building(s)
- Follow the bomb threat procedure in accordance with University Policy SY-18 and University Police Policy and Procedure Manual No. 149
Medical Emergencies
- Alert EMS by calling 911 and University Police at 724-983-2824
- Assess the scene for safety
- Assess the victim
- Attend to the victim's airway, breathing and circulation
Crime in Progress
- Be safe. Do not confront the perpetrator.
- Be a good witness
- Call 911 and University Police at 724-983-2824 when you can safely.
- Leave the area if your safety is threatened
- If an active shooter is in the building or on campus, follow the active shooter guidelines
- Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station and call 911 and University Police at 724-983-2824
- Evacuate the building
- Do NOT enter the building until authorized by emergency personnel
Suspicious Person(s) on Campus
- Call 911 and University Police at 724-983-2824
- Do not physically confront the person
- Do not let anyone into a locked building or office
- Do not block the person's access to an exit
- Provide as much information as possible about the person and their direction of travel or authorities
Hazardous Materials Release
- If anyone is in danger, call 911 and University Police at 724-983-2824
- Move away from the site to an upwind, safe place away from the release site
- Follow instructions of emergency personnel
- Alert others to stay clear of the area
- Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed or have information about the release
Suspicious Object(s) on Campus
- Do not disturb the object
- Call 911 and University Police at 724-983-2824
- Notify your supervisor
- Be prepared to evacuate