Emily Filicky

Emily Filicky - Marketing Internship

SHARON, Pa. — Emily Filicky, a Penn State Shenango business major, is spending the spring 2025 semester as an intern at the Pennsylvania Cybersecurity Center in LindenPointe in Hermitge, Pa. 

In this Q&A, Emily shares her duties and responsibilities at PCC, and discusses how the internship experience is preparing her for a career in marketing.

Begin Q&A:

Q: How did you learn about the internship at the Pennsylvania Cybersecurity Center?

A: When I was looking for an internship, I applied to many different places. One day, my friend Josh Marshall told me about an open intern position at LindenPointe. So, I asked Student Affairs and Matthew DeMaria, lecturer of information technology, about it because he works closely with them. He gave me the information I needed to apply, and even recommended me for the internship. After applying I had an interview two days later. I would not have this amazing opportunity if it were not for Josh Marshall, Matthew DeMaria, and Student Affairs. 

Q: What is your role at the PCC, and what projects are you tasked with as part of your internship?

A: I am currently working on recruiting schools and students to participate in two certification classes offered by the PCC, a new program at LindeonPointe. One of my major projects is organizing the Cybersecurity Summit in partnership with Penn State Shenango. This event is designed to educate high school students about cybersecurity careers, showcasing the various opportunities available in the field—whether through college or the PCC’s programs.

Since this is the first time hosting the Summit, all materials are being created from scratch. My role includes designing flyers and writing letters to invite schools, keeping businesses and schools updated with event news, and creating the official pamphlet that will be distributed on the day of the event.

Q: What classroom experiences at Shenango have prepared you for your roles at this internship?

A: The marketing and project management classes have been the most valuable to me. Marketing has taught me the importance of creativity and how to capture people's attention, which is essential for encouraging participation in the event. Project management, on the other hand, has emphasized the importance of organization in planning. I have learned that double- and triple-checking details are crucial, as well as tackling one task at a time to ensure everything is executed smoothly.

Q: What are the key lessons you’ve learned so far during your internship?

A: Something that I have learned is to always have an open mind when it comes to ideas. Never settle in on the first idea that you produce because there might be better and more practical options out there. Also, do not be afraid to ask for help. Being the new person in a company, I had a lot of questions. My internship supervisors have had patience and they were able to help me get my feet running the first few days. 

Q: How can you apply your real-world experiences to your remaining classes at Shenango?

A: Real-life situations don’t always align perfectly with what’s in a textbook. It’s important to take what I’ve learned and adapt it to the specific circumstances I’m facing. These courses are teaching me different approaches to handling challenges effectively, helping to minimize the impact of difficult situations and find the best possible solutions. They also help me understand what to focus on if I want to help my company improve and grow. By learning different strategies and problem-solving techniques, I can identify areas for improvement and contribute to making the organization more effective and successful.

Q: What career(s) are you interested in after graduation, and has your internship experience helped you towards reaching those goals?

A: I want to pursue a career in marketing after graduation, and this internship has solidified my passion for the field. It has shown me that marketing is not only something I enjoy but also something I want to continue doing long-term. Gaining an inside look at what it takes to plan and execute an event has opened my eyes to my potential and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead in this industry. I am grateful for everything I have learned so far and excited for all the new experiences and knowledge that await me in the future!