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What is your role on the Shenango campus? I am the Director of Student Affairs.
How long have you been at Penn State? I began working in the Admissions Office in November of 2005 and then transitioned to Student Affairs in August 2010. This November will mark 14 years for me at the Shenango campus.
What are you involved in on campus? I’m a co-advisor of SGA and the advisor of THON; I’m a member of the Campus Executive Council and a member of the Budget Directors group; I oversee the Student Initiation Fee board; I’m one of the Title IX resource people for the Shenango campus; and I’m in charge of the Alternative Spring Break program.
Tell us about your education: I earned a bachelor of arts degree in environmental science from Thiel College in 2004; I’m currently working on earning my masters of education through Penn State World Campus in the Higher Education program.
What is your favorite Penn State memory? Wow, this is tough because I have so many great memories from all of my years working here. The memories that come to mind right away are ones that have involved taking students on various trips. I’ve been so blessed to chaperone many trips while working at the campus, including trips to New York City, Penn State Summer Leadership Conferences (which rotate campuses every summer), Penn State football games, Pittsburgh Pirates baseball games, and so many more. The trip memory that stands out to me the most was the 2011 ASB trip to Peru when we had the chance to go to Machu Picchu. While there, I hiked to the top of Hyuana Picchu with a group of students, which was so beautiful and absolutely terrifying at the same time!
Why do you love the Shenango campus? This campus is truly a diamond in the rough. I love working at a campus that allows for people to get a second chance and to become the person they always wanted to be. I love that it’s so small and that I’m able to get to know students really well--I get to experience the highs and lows with them during their time as a student and then finally get to watch them walk across the stage at graduation.
Who has made an impact on your life? Why? Easy--my parents! They have taught me there are no short cuts in life and you have to work hard to get where you want to be. They’ve been my biggest cheerleaders all along.
One surprising fact about yourself: I’ve run in and completed several marathons.
What do you enjoy outside of the classroom? Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my husband and my two kids, Cameron and Norah.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment? To this point, I think my proudest accomplishment is keeping the Alternative Spring Break trip going. My former colleague started the program and I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to go on one of the trips prior to working in the Student Affairs Office. When she left Shenango and took at job at University Park, I wanted to see the ASB program continue so have worked hard to keep it going.
Why would you recommend Penn State Shenango to future students? It’s a great place to get the best of both worlds. You get the Penn State name but also get the one-on-one attention from faculty and staff. You can also be a big fish in a little pond by getting involved and building your leadership skills.
Why would you recommend Penn State Shenango to a future colleague/employee? It’s a really family-friendly atmosphere. The people who work at the campus are the best and that’s honestly what has kept me here for so long. I also love all of the connections I have made with our staff from across the Penn State system.
If you weren’t working in higher education, what would you be doing? I would probably be working in another form of education but likely at the elementary or middle school level.
Name: Chuck Greggs
What is your role on the Shenango campus? Director of Enrollment Management
How long have you been at Penn State? October 4 will be 20 years!
What are you involved in on campus? Alternative Spring Break, Campus Executive Council, Web and Social Media Team, Student Success Team, and an Adviser to the Student Veterans Association.
Tell us about your education: Undergraduate--Clarion University in secondary education - English. Graduate--Penn State University World Campus in Adult Education
What is your favorite Penn State memory? Alternative Spring Break Trip--I have had amazing opportunities to travel abroad with students and feel like we made some small impact on the world.
Why do you love the Shenango campus? The size! It truly is like a big family here. A lot of schools say it, but no other school is like Shenango in that regard. Faculty and staff get the opportunity to really know our students individually and make a direct impact on students' lives every single day.
Who has made an impact on your life? Why? My daughter--being a parent makes me better at my job. I treat each student the way I would want my daughter to be treated.
One surprising fact about yourself: I am a colon cancer survivor for over 25 years.
What do you enjoy outside of the classroom? Traveling and being outdoors!
What is your proudest professional accomplishment? Seeing a student who comes into the admissions office, nervous and unsure about their future, and seeing that same student graduate from our campus as a confident, successful PSU graduate.
Why would you recommend Penn State Shenango to future students? At Shenango we truly offer the best of both worlds--students get to attend a small campus where they get absolute one-on-one attention by staff and faculty who are directly invested in their future. At the same time, our students get all the benefits of attending a large university known throughout the world. It's a combination that truly only exists at Penn State!
Why would you recommend Penn State Shenango to a future colleague/employee? Working at Shenango is for people who want to be directly involved in the success of students. This is not a place to work if you want to work with students from a distance, or can't work in a team environment. It is a challenging job but a job unlike any other...
If you weren’t working in higher education, what would you be doing? Teaching at the high school level.
Name: Alura Dillon
Major: PTA
Graduation Date: May 4, 2019
Why did you choose the Shenango campus? I chose this campus mainly for the PTA program since Behrend did not have it and Penn State does not have a grad program for PT. Also, it was a plus that it was close to home. So that is my main reason for coming to Shenango and my mom went to this campus before going to UP.
What are you involved in on the campus? I am the treasurer of the PTA Club, and I was a Lion Leader, Lion Ambassador, and I work in the fitness center. I was in SGA last year but my PTA class schedule did not provide me the opportunity to be in it this year. I have also gone on the ASB (Alternative Spring Break) trip the last two years to Belize, and I am part of THON.
What are you involved in outside of campus? I am a cheerleading and gymnastic coach/teacher at the Tumble Zone in Hermitage, PA, and I an the sprint and hurdle coach for Hickory's junior high track team.
Why do you love Penn State Shenango? I love this campus because of the friends I have made during my time here; the family feel you have being on campus knowing most of the students here; and the opportunities provided to me like the ASB trip, which changed my life.
What is your favorite Penn State memory? My favorite Penn State memory on this campus was probably being able to go on the ASB trip these last two years. It is one of the greatest experiences I have been a part of and it truly did change my life. I now have a second family in Belize along with the people who went on the trip with me. You gain great friends from the trip and memories that will last forever.
Who has made an impact on your life personally or on campus? Why? One person who has personally impacted my life is my boss Michelle at the Tumble Zone. I used to cheer for her growing up and since I am still working there, she has made a huge impact on my life and shaped me into the person I am today. She is like my second mother. Someone on campus would have to be Dr. Dean, she is an amazing professor and is so willing to help any student. Her classes were challenging at times, but she made me enjoy my PTA classes and helped reinforce that I made the right choice for my major.
Where do you see yourself after graduating from Penn State? I see myself hopefully getting a job as a PTA after passing my boards and coming back for a bachelors degree, leaning towards health polices and administration.
One surprising fact about yourself: I can do a back flip.
Why would you recommend Penn State Shenango to future students? Because everyone makes you feel at home and welcomed and makes you feel like you belong on campus.
Any advice to future students? Get involved in different clubs and activities on campus, its a great way to make friends. Also to enjoy the time you have because it will go by faster than you think.