SHARON, Pa. — Students, alumni and community members surrounding Penn State Shenango VenturePointe Incubator submitted their ideas and inventions to be considered for the annual “What’s You Big Idea?” challenge. Community members can tune into the competition live on March 24 at 5 p.m. on Penn State Shenango’s YouTube page.
This challenge is a collaboration with sponsors the eCenter @ LindenPointe and Penn-Northwest Development Corporation. This partnership aims to give local entrepreneurs and innovators the opportunity to the next level.
Committee members have selected five finalists to compete in the live “Shark Tank”-style competition.
- “Magia Verde” by Nikoli DoBosh and Ryder Rust. This aloe-based company has a mission to solve discomfort from clothes while the skin is sunburnt with a safe and affordable clothing treatment.
- “Note-On The Go” by Marissa Nichter is an online agenda where all class assignments, tests and due dates can be viewed together via an interactive application.
- “Healthy Henna Temporary Tattoo” by Jennifer Flo will produce a product that can be placed on bottom of feet to help prevent the spread of contagious athlete's feet or other fungi such as tinea pedis while walking barefoot at public pools, indoor play areas, yoga, etc.
- “Full Access” by Sabrina Bootz has the idea for a wearable fob that can be used as a social website in the palm of the user’s hand. The fob will scan business cards at social gatherings, allowing the user to quickly learn facts to determine who they would like to network with.
- IllumiLit by Lauren Kuncio will make the ink on book pages glow in the dark for those that like to read in in bed or in the car without disturbing the people around them.
The final winner will receive $1,000 prize money, the opportunity to attend a four-week idea test lab through Invent Penn State and business support from Penn-Northwest Development Corporation. The four remaining finalists will receive a cash prize of $125 and the opportunity to attend an Invent Penn State idea test lab.
Penn State encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Jammie Clark at [email protected] or call 724-983-2838 at least two weeks prior to the start of the program to allow sufficient time to effectively meet your access needs.
About VenturePointe
VenturePointe is part of Penn State’s commonwealth-wide initiative to spur economic development, job creation and career success by serving as a hub which connects and unites entrepreneurship, co-working space and community-driven economic development. The incubator provides start-up resources for entrepreneurs who are interested in both for-profit businesses and not-for-profit agencies and operates in conjunction with the eCenter @ LindenPointe.