Penn State Shenango Professor William McGuigan will give a public lecture titled, "Examining the Rapid Population Growth of the Old Order Amish," on Nov. 30.
SHARON, Pa. — Penn State Shenango will continue its 2016-2017 Faculty Lecture Series with William McGuigan, associate professor of human development and family studies, at 7 p.m. on Wednesday., Nov. 30, in Sharon Hall, Room 105, located on Penn Avenue in downtown Sharon. The title of his lecture is “Examining the Rapid Population Growth of the Old Order Amish.” The event is free and open to the public.
William McGuigan is a nationally certified Family Life Educator and has spent many years researching the Amish community. He received his doctorate in family studies and sociology from Oregon State University. His expertise is in child maltreatment and family violence.
McGuigan has published several book chapters and peer reviewed articles in scientific journals on the bias and prejudice of Old Order Amish and has presented his research both nationally and internationally. He is a member of the American Sociological Association and the National Council on Family Relations.
For more information, contact the Penn State Shenango Academic Affairs Office at 724-983-2825.