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Kieran Davis of Contagious Collection LLC wears one of his branded shirts, with a Stamp Out Stigma logo

kieran davis - stamp out stigma

Penn State Shenango’s ninth annual Stamp Out Stigma mental health awareness event is addressing men and mental health awareness in the black community during a program to be held at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12. The event is designed to bring important information, awareness, and personal stories about the importance of caring for one’s mental health to the forefront of our community.

Kieran Davis of Contagious Collection LLC wears one of his branded shirts, with a Stamp Out Stigma logo

Ninth annual Stamp Out Stigma to spotlight men and mental health Oct. 12

Penn State Shenango’s ninth annual Stamp Out Stigma mental health awareness event is addressing men and mental health awareness in the Black community during a program to be held Wednesday, Oct. 12. The event is designed to bring information, awareness, and personal stories about the importance of caring for one’s mental health to the forefront of the community.